Pickleball Level Definitions

Pickleball Level Definitions

Newbie - Learning the rules, scoring and court position

Beginner - Knows the rules, knows how to score, knows where to stand - 75% of the time

Advanced Beginner - 100% knows the rules, scoring & court position - gets to the NVZ line on return of serve 70% of the time - Serves 7 out of 10 serves in, uses their backhand instead of running around to forehand, starts to understand partner work & game strategy, can sustain rallies of 4-5 shots regularly

Intermediate - very few service or return errors, gets to the NVZ on return of serve 90% of the time, backhand strokes are competent, can sustain rallies of 7-10 shots regularly, can place shots successfully 75% of the time, can return lobs and can lob, can forehand and backhand dinks and can sustain dink rallies of 5+ shots, can play effectively with partner to cover the court.